You Are Not Alone: How to Reprogram Yourself on Your Quest for Success

financial therapy loneliness midlife crisis performance therapy sleep Jul 06, 2024

In a world that often pushes us towards conformity, how do we break free and achieve extraordinary success in all areas of life? It's a question that plagues many men. Whether 25-years old discovering his power or 55-years old going through a midlife crisis and questioning his use of power, the exceptional man can feel like he doesn’t belong.

The Paradox of Success

They say all men are created equally. Yet, some stay ordinary, while others evolve into extraordinary. This evolution, however, comes with a price. Standing out often means facing rejection and loneliness. A recent study found that 61% of CEOs and business owners report feeling lonely in their role. This isn't just an emotional issue - loneliness can be as damaging to a man’s health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

But society would have a man believe that all he needs is physical strength, material things, sex, and a bottle of expensive scotch or whiskey to feel successful. This program gets passed down from generation to generation, leaving many men feeling voids that they don’t know how to fill.

The Lies Society Tells Us

Getting to the root of the problem means divulging society's myths. See, society has woven falsehoods into our beliefs:

  • "The love of money is the root of all evil."
  • “You’ve got to work hard for money.”
  • "It's better to give than to receive."
  • "More money, more problems."

What other statements like these have you heard all your life? These ingrained notions obstruct the path to peace, happiness, and true freedom. They keep men stuck in cycles of behavior that no longer serve them, some in fact hurt them.

Breaking the Cycle

Society also says, doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, but it’s not - it's the definition of humanity. We all do it. It's called homeostasis, it’s the way our brain keeps us safe. But this safety mechanism can also keep us stuck.

So, how do we break free?

Reprogramming Yourself

The key lies in reprogramming yourself. This doesn't mean changing who you are at your core. Instead, it's about:

  1. Recognizing societal programming
  2. Questioning ingrained beliefs
  3. Aligning your actions with your true aspirations
  4. Getting clarity on your desires, even if you think others won’t accept you
  5. Creating your own 'society' that supports your growth

The Power of Your Own Society

Entering your own society means creating an environment where you're free to discover and be your true authentic self. It's a space where what's important to you comes first, where your complex and private problems can be addressed without judgment. Living in the old society is slowly killing you, mentally and physically. If you don’t do something soon, this fixable problem can get worse.

The Hidden Health Costs of Loneliness

The impact of loneliness extends far beyond emotional well-being, directly affecting a man’s physical health in surprising ways. Research has shown that chronic loneliness can lead to increased inflammation in the body, weakened immune function, and even alterations in how the body processes vital nutrients. 

This biological stress can deplete essential vitamins and minerals, particularly B vitamins, vitamin D, and magnesium - all crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. Moreover, loneliness often correlates with poor dietary choices and reduced physical activity, further exacerbating nutritional deficiencies. Understanding this intricate connection between loneliness, nutrition, and overall health is crucial. 

There’s also the risk of addiction that often comes when a man tries to fill the voids he feels. Read the upcoming articles that will help you understand and address all of these mental and physical risks. 

What You Can Do Now

You can reprogram yourself in a one-on-one program like SelfSync Therapy or join support groups and masterminds for men going through the same things you are. But make sure these groups are diverse so that you can learn from a variety of experiences. By addressing loneliness and ensuring proper nutrition, we can create a foundation for both emotional resilience and physical well-being, paving the way for extraordinary success in all areas of life.

You're Not Alone

Remember, the myth of isolation at the top dissolves when you know yourself, accept yourself, and surround yourself with kindred spirits.  When you shed the masks that no longer fit, you step into a new you... the true you!

If this article struck a chord and you’re ready to reprogram yourself so you can finally fill the voids you feel, there are two things you can do: 

  1. Start creating your own society where you can thrive. Book a consultation to discover the power of SelfSync Therapy. Use Promo Code: BLOG (Please note: Promo code may vary from 15-25% depending on the current month's promotion.)  
  2. Hire me to speak at your next event or appear on your podcast. Your audience will leave telling colleagues about their aha moments and breakthroughs to creating a new vision for success.

Your quest for true success starts here.

I'm Kiné Corder, the leading National Certified Counselor specializing in performance and financial therapy for exceptional men and athletes. Over the past 20-years I've been researching what it takes to live a meaningful life. Let me pour into you so you can get the clarity you've been seeking.

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